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Walk the dogs of the shelter "1500 Dog Gang" in Seslavtsi

Walk the dogs of the shelter "1500 Dog Gang" in Seslavtsi


The 1500 Dog Gang is a volunteer group at the municipal dog shelter in Gorni Bogrov and Seslavtsi that aims to change not only the lives of the dogs there but also society's attitude towards animals.

Every Saturday, you can join the gang and walk dogs at the shelter in Seslavtsi. You can also pet them, play with them, run with them, groom them, or simply keep the shyer ones company. Believe me, this will fill you with a lot of positive energy for weeks to come.

Apart from everything else, this is how the dogs socialise and get their moments of freedom and attention, which increases their chances of adoption.


Every Saturday between 10 am and 1 pm.


At the municipal dog shelter "Seslavtsi." Here are the directions on how to get there: https://goo.gl/maps/Bu7rLR3sX9XmekFN6


The 1500 Dog Gang

Why should I participate?

It is crucial for the 1500 Dog Gang to share the story of stray dogs and show everyone, especially young and adolescent children, that stray dogs are not scary, dangerous, or unnecessary. They are living beings who haven't been fortunate enough to find the right people in their lives yet, and that makes them even more special.

You are more than welcome to join the gang in walking the adorable dogs. This is how you can learn their stories and maybe even share them with others. Once you see the gratitude in their eyes, you will instantly know that it's the most precious and wonderful feeling. And now, adopting a furry friend sounds like gaining a true and loyal friend for life.

Required equipment?

Just in case, you may want to bring tick repellent (especially during the warmer months of the year) and preferably a second pair of clothes and shoes (in wet and muddy weather - rubber boots, raincoat) to change after your visit. Personal hygiene products such as wet wipes, tissues, or disinfectants are optional for you to bring.

Required skills?

Love for animals, dedication, and willingness to get a little dirty but also to receive lots of wet kisses and shared hugs.

What happens if the weather is bad?

The dogs are walked every Saturday unless the weather conditions are extremely distressing for both humans and dogs, such as heavy rain or storms. If the walks cannot take place due to weather conditions or any other reason, an announcement will be posted on the organisers' Facebook page.

Will I be offered transport?

We rely on participants to share transportation arrangements with each other. If you are looking for a ride or want to offer one, please write in the "Questions" section or under the weekly event posted on the organisers' Facebook page. Please be specific, mentioning how many spots you are looking for or offering, and provide details on the route or pick-up points.

Will I be offered food?

There are no food places nearby, so you can bring your own snacks and drinks.

Health risks?

All volunteers who come to the shelter for the first time sign a consent form, declaring that they are familiar with the rules of the walks. It is essential to follow the shelter rules, which are displayed for newcomers. Before the walks begin, participants are given instructions regarding the organisers' rules for the walks.

Are there any age restrictions?

Everybody is welcome, but for security reasons, young children and kids are not allowed to enter the area without being accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

How to participate?

Click on the green "I'll do it!" button and follow the instructions.

I will do it!

Hero, by joining this mission, you agree that your e-mail and your name will be shared with the organizer of the mission, so that he can contact you if needed. Your data will NOT be shared with anyone else. See our privacy.

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It's simple: after the end we send you instructions - follow them. This way you earn points and rise in rank , others get inspired and we're all happy.

  • Tatiana Kouverianou

    Tatiana Kouverianou

    Като част от мисията на TimeHeroes, реших да се включа в разходката на кученца от приюта в Сеславци с "Бандата на 1500-те". С мен дойдоха още четирима приятели, всички готови за ново приключение. Бяхме късметлии, защото тъкмо отвориха клетката с пет малки кученца, които можехме да разхождаме заедно. Още по-очарователно беше, че тези опашати бандити бяха бебенца.

    На мен ми се падна едно сладко женско кученце, бяло и черно, което веднага нарекох Ори, от бисквитката Орео. Ори беше невероятно дружелюбна и въобще не се дърпаше, когато я разхождах. Всички кученца получиха кренвирши като почерпка и видяхме колко щастливи бяха. Ори, макар и не толкова игрива, беше много любопитна и обожаваше да я гушкам.

    За съжаление, времето за разходка мина бързо. Направихме много снимки и веднага ги изпратих на родителите си. Когато се върнахме в София, майката на един от приятелите ми ни закара обратно. Всички бяха развълнувани от връзката, която се беше създала между мен и Ори, и им беше мъчно, че няма да я видим повече.

    Но съдбата имаше други планове. Майка ми се влюби в Ори от снимките, които й пратих, и пожела да я осиновим. Само седмица по-късно, Ори вече беше част от нашето семейство. Днес тя играе с другото ни кученце и е безкрайно щастлива.

    Тази мисия не само донесе радост на много кученца, но и ме научи колко важна е любовта и грижата за животните. А Ори? Тя намери своя вечен дом и ни направи още по-щастливи.


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