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What is TimeHeroes?

Sort and distribute humanitarian aid to asylum seekers in Sofia

Sort and distribute humanitarian aid to asylum seekers in Sofia

What is this about?

The Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria helps migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers successfully adapt and integrate into Bulgarian society. This support is provided through various means, including social mediation programs, humanitarian aid, training and seminars, and advocacy through individual case work.

The team is engaged year-round with activities in their humanitarian aid warehouse in Sofia, where there is always a need for help with sorting, organizing, and distributing donations. Ready to roll up your sleeves?

How can I help?

Enthusiastic volunteers are need to:

  • sort, organize, and distribute donations.
  • prepare the organization's humanitarian center for each upcoming season.
  • every volunteer will work alongside an expert from the organization, who will provide guidance and detailed explanations of the tasks.


Humanitarian aid distribution days are every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Contact the organizers to inform them of your availability.


At the organization's humanitarian aid warehouse located at 51 Iskar Street, Sofia.


Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria.

Why participate?

Refugees and asylum seekers leave their homes and travel thousands of kilometers facing hardships and deprivation to achieve a safe and peaceful life for themselves and their children. By joining this mission, you will help them receive crucial aid and have the opportunity to meet them in person, gaining insight into their lives and stories.

Required gear?

Comfortable clothing is recommended.

Required skills?

No specific skills are required, but you will feel at ease if you enjoy organizing, talking to people, and volunteering in a multicultural environment.

Are there age restrictions for volunteers?

No, but if you are under 18, you must provide a consent form signed by a parent or guardian.

Will I receive a certificate?

Yes, the Council issues certificates, official notes, confirmations, or any necessary documentation for completed internships/volunteering.

How to participate?

Click the green "I Will Do It!" button to see how to contact the organizers.

// Photo by Denislav Stoychev for TimeHeroes

I will do it!

Hero, by joining this mission, you agree that your e-mail and your name will be shared with the organizer of the mission, so that he can contact you if needed. Your data will NOT be shared with anyone else. See our privacy.

Join mission!


Once a mission you participate in ends, you can tell us how it went in a couple of sentences ("it was great" won't do).

It's simple: after the end we send you instructions - follow them. This way you earn points and rise in rank , others get inspired and we're all happy.

  • Aleksandra Popova

    Aleksandra Popova (Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria)

    Енергията й е заразителна!
    Ентусиазмът - неизчерпаем!
    Тя е с нас всеки вторник и четвъртък сутрин.
    Освен че ни помага в подреждането и раздаването на дарения, по нейна идея, с нейни средства и сили пребоядиса фасадата на склада.
    За да направи средата по-приветлива за хората, бягащи от конфликтни точки.
    Тя е Хайди, от Белгия.


Something's not clear? Ask, we answer quickly.

  • Petia Popova

    Petia Popova

    Добър ден,
    Къде се намира склада или помещението, в което се сортират и раздават дрехите. Може ли адрес?

  • Aleksandra Popova

    Aleksandra Popova (Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria)

    Здравейте, Петя, адресът е ул. Искър 51. Моля да ми звъннете, преди да дойдете за пръв път. Лице за контакт: Деси, 0876 766 588.
    До скоро!

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