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What is TimeHeroes?

Дари храни и продукти за хигиена на украински семейства в София

Дари храни и продукти за хигиена на украински семейства в София





Нужни умения?

Нужна екипировка?



Здравословни рискове?

Ако е лошо времето?

Как да участвам?

Натисни зеления бутон "Ще участвам" и следвай инструкциите.

// снимката е оттук

I will do it!

Hero, by joining this mission, you agree that your e-mail and your name will be shared with the organizer of the mission, so that he can contact you if needed. Your data will NOT be shared with anyone else. See our privacy.

Join mission!


Once a mission you participate in ends, you can tell us how it went in a couple of sentences ("it was great" won't do).

It's simple: after the end we send you instructions - follow them. This way you earn points and rise in rank , others get inspired and we're all happy.

  • Mariia Khristova

    Mariia Khristova

    Направих поръчка от ozone с част от продуктите, които са необходими, надявам се да са помогнали :)


Something's not clear? Ask, we answer quickly.

  • Tsvetelina  Spasova

    Tsvetelina Spasova

    Имате ли нужда и от дрехи за бебоци?

  • Vesi Deianova

    Vesi Deianova (Фондация "От нас зависи")

    Здравейте! За момента имаме достатъчно бебешки дрехи, но имаме огромна нужда от памперси и бебешки храни и адаптирани млека. Благодарим!

  • Kiah Bhardwaj

    Kiah Bhardwaj

    Is there a specific list that I can drop off next week?

  • Kiah Bhardwaj

    Kiah Bhardwaj

    Is there a specific list that I can drop off next week?

  • Emanuela Ivanova

    Emanuela Ivanova (timeheroes)

    Hey, Kiah,
    for some reason, we've missed your question. So sorry about that! Here is a list of things you can donate to the cause:


    - Buckwheat;
    - Rice;
    - Spaghetti and pasta;
    - Canned foods - meats, vegetables, tomatoes, fish;
    - Baby foods - formula milk, purees, biscuits.

    Baby hygiene materials

    - Diapers - all sizes;
    - Wet wipes.

    Personal hygiene products

    - Feminine pads;
    - Shampoo;
    - Shower gel;
    - Toothbrushes and toothpaste.

    Thank you for supporting "Ot nas zavisi" Foundation!

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