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What is TimeHeroes?


Missions for Human rights


Donate art materials to artists with disabilities

Aneliya Kirilova has proven herself as a social worker for a very long time now. Since recently she has started a new mission - to help artists with disabilities through her shop by exhibiting their artworks. However, the not so easy part is that they are in constant need of art material to continue developing their talent. Would you help them create art?

180 heroes already participating - Learn more

Lead a Therapy Horse for Children with Specific Needs in Kokalyane

If you love horses and children, this mission is perfect for you – you can walk alongside them during therapy sessions in nature. Why are you important? With your help, the therapist can focus on their work, and a child with special needs can return home more peacefully and happily.

The mission is over.

43 heroes already participating - Learn more

Lead a horse during a therapy for kids with disabilities

Do you like horses and children? If the answer is yes, then this mission is the one for you. You can walk a horse in nature while a specialist is working with the child. Why is this important? Thanks to your help the professional therapist can focus on his work and a child with disabilities can go home calmer and happier.

The mission is over.

39 heroes already participating - Learn more

Donate warm clothes and shoes to children from low-income families

If your wardrobe is full of great clothes for the autumn-winter season that you don't wear anymore, we have an idea where they can start a second life - 100 families from several villages in the Varna region will appreciate them very much.

The mission is over.

916 heroes already participating - Learn more

Make Christmas cards with cause - the building of a new center for children with special needs

Last Christmas PTPI "Dolphins" from Varna raised the whopping amount of 17 000 BGN, with which they furnished an art room for children with disabilities. This was possible thanks to many, many crafty heroes with warm hearts. Like you. Let’s do it again.

The mission is over.

125 heroes already participating - Learn more

Donate hygiene products to children deprived of parental care

The next time you buy soap, razor, deodorant or whatever from that supermarket shelf, make it two and send the extra this way. This will make the children happy, whose needs grow with age, and the directors of the homes, who can't always allocate enough money from the budget.

The mission is over.

101 heroes already participating - Learn more

Donate sports clothing and school supplies to a foster care in Sevlievo

A home's limited budget is never enough for all the challenges, and the team really wants their little sunshines to start school like everyone else, with everything they need. With your help, they believe they'll be up to the task once again.

The mission is over.

52 heroes already participating - Learn more

Be a super neighbour - offer help to the most vulnerable people around you

Among your neighbours, there are people who are at higher risk of coronavirus because of their age or health condition. Reach out to them with our "Neighbour here to help" poster and offer to go for groceries or medicines, take out the garbage or other small acts of care.

The mission is over.

146 heroes already participating - Learn more

Donate dressing materials and packaged food to homeless people

The mobile team of Caritas Sofia works at various locations all over the city to provide daily assistance to the homeless and to people with alcohol or drug addictions. The mobile centre offers primary medical care, free medical checks and assistance in communication with institutions. Support their mission by donating packaged food and drinks, as well as dressing materials.

The mission is over.

547 heroes already participating - Learn more

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