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Monitor and guard Egyptian Vulture nests to help save the species

Monitor and guard Egyptian Vulture nests to help save the species


As part of the LIFE+ project "The Return of the Neophron", for the fifth year in a row a team and volunteers of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) monitor and guard 10 nests of the Egyptian Vulture in the most critical period before their first flight - when the young chicks are at high risk of falling from the nest and dying.

To help secure the survival of this globally endangered species in Bulgaria, BSPB is once again gathering a team of volunteers from across the world to keep guard of the nests in August in the Eastern Rhodope mountains. The task is: watch out and signal the professional crew if you see a juvenile vulture falling off the nest or failing its first flight.

All volunteers are asked to commit for at least 7 consecutive days on-site in the period 1 - 25 August and to cover the expenses for their stay. Be prepared to spend the bright part of day out in the open (sometimes in pretty bad weather), monitor and keep an ornithological diary, follow specific methodology and instructions.


The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds.


To help protect the most rapidly vanishing bird of prey in Europe. In the last 30 years the population of the Egyptian Vulture on the Balkan Peninsula alone has diminished by 80 percent. The survival of each little vulture is crucial for the future of the species in the region.


In the breathtakingly beautiful Rhodope mountains (Haskovo and Kardzhali districts).

Skills needed?

This is your adventure if you are:

  • highly motivated;
  • in good health;
  • passionate about nature and environmental protection;
  • used to spending long periods of time out in the open;
  • of legal age;
  • in possession of a driving license;
  • friendly and open to communicate with local villagers.

Previous experience in nature conservation and basic knowledge in ornithology would be an advantage.

Necessary equipment?

The must-haves: a mobile phone, rucksack, 2 pairs of outdoor shoes and clothing, raincoat, warm clothes.

Strongly recommended: binoculars, tent (to be used on-site in rain and cold; accommodation for the night will be arranged in nearby villages), camping mat, sleeping bag, bird identifier.

Extras: own car, camera, telescope.


Volunteers are asked to make the travel to the Eastern Rhodopes by their own means. Transportation to the nesting sites will be organized and scheduled from there.


Partly covered by the organizers.

Health risks?

Nothing outside the usual considerations when it comes to spending time in nature.

If the weather is bad?

Don't leave the site. Keep watching.

How do I take part?

Click the green "I will do it" button and fill out the application form.

// photo by Kaloyan Hristov for BSPB

Apply by 15 June 2016

The mission is from 1 August 2016 until 25 August 2016

Registration closed


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