Organise weekly activities for asylum seeker and migrant children and adults
For almost a year, Caritas Sofia volunteers have been organising activities for the asylum seekers living in Busmantsi detention centre. The adults and children living there are not allowed to leave the compound, and are only allowed outside for an hour per day.
The weekly activities give them something to look forward to, an opportunity to meet friendly local people, and a chance to learn new skills and languages, and for the children to benefit from games and creative recreation.
Join the team and lead one session per week from June to September 2017. Currently, volunteers organise:
- English language lessons (for adults and children)
- Introduction to Bulgarian language and culture (for adults)
- Games and creative activities for children.
They are also open to new suggestions for activities.
Once a week, from June to September 2017. Activities are held on workdays, Monday to Friday, in the morning (10:00 - 12:00) and in the afternoon (14:00 - 16:00).
You can indicate your preferred day and time in the online application form you will find behind the "I will do it" button.
Caritas Sofia.
The educational activities make a significant difference to the quality of life of the asylum seekers and migrants living in Busmantsi detention centre. Otherwise life there is monotonous and unstimulating, and psychologically traumatic as most people have no idea whether they will stay for a few days or months.
Busmantsi Special Home for Temporary Accommodation of Foreigners, Busmantsi village, near Sofia.
Busmantsi can be reached by car or marshrutka minibus number 35 (route Lyulin to Busmantsi, via Stamboliyski Blvd and Tsarigradsko Shosse, for detailed route see here, BG version only.)
Skills required?
Volunteers should be responsible, committed, and should be prepared to lead activities for a group of adults or children.
Training will be provided.
Age requirements?
Volunteers must be 18+.
How do I take part?
Click the green "I will do it" button and complete the online application form.
// image courtesy of the organiser
Apply by 30 June 2017
The mission is from 3 July 2017 until 29 September 2017
Registration closed
Once a mission you participate in ends, you can tell us how it went in a couple of sentences ("it was great" won't do).
It's simple: after the end we send you instructions - follow them. This way you earn points and rise in rank , others get inspired and we're all happy.
Something's not clear? Ask, we answer quickly.
dafinka hristova
kak да кандидатствам за занимания и помагания на деца
Caritas Sofia (Caritas Sofia)
Здравейте, моля да се присъедините към мисията чрез бутона "ще участвам". След това ще се свържем с вас и ще обясним какви са следващите стъпки.
Please, register on TimeHeroes.org before you submit a question. If you're already a hero, login .
Diana Totinska
Това е от онези събития или случки в живота ти, преди които си малко притеснен, защото не знаеш какво да очакваш или защото общественото мнение е силно негативно и наелектризирано, или просто не знаеш дали ще се справиш. Но, след като веднъж се престрашиш, става едно от най-значимите и прекрасни неща, които си правил, за теб и за хората от другата страна.
Преподаването и общуването с тези хора, възрастни и деца не е страшно, нито опасно. Да понякога има тъга, но има и много щастие, усмивки, благодарни погледи и осмислени дни, които, без доброволците и часовете, биха били сиви, тягостни, еднообразни и дори безмислени.
Ако искаш да направиш живота на едни хора (дошли от много далеч) по-щастлив и по-полезен, а в същото време да се предизвикаш, да упражниш говоренето и преподването пред публика, то това е точната мисия за теб! Да не говорим колко по-обогатен си тръгваш след това ;) Успех!