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What is TimeHeroes?

Digitalise and archive photographs from the past

Digitalise and archive photographs from the past


Tihomir Stoyanov has devoted himself to photography and collects photographic materials from the past. For 10 years, he has collected more than 10,000 negatives, diapositives and old used photographic films, photo albums, and photo books from the socialist era. Most of them were found on the flea market.

Thus, he has gathered Imaginary Archive - a rich archive of photographs which in themselves tell stories from the past – about the way of life, culture, and moral values of Bulgarians.

In 2015, Tihomir started digitising them with the idea to preserve the memories of these unfamiliar families. Thus, he created a collection of images - the "Stoyanov Family", an imaginary Bulgarian family from the socialist era, who tell their everyday life to the modern audience through their Instagram profile. The project "I give you my face portrait" followed.

But most of the secrets of the old films are yet to be revealed.

How can I help?

Join in the digitising of the huge archive by helping in the studio in Sofia by:

  • scanning photos, diapositives and negatives;
  • cutting and filing the scanned material;
  • registering each of the filed films and photos.

Do not worry if you have no experience with scanning devices. Each volunteer will receive individual training.


The goal is to digitise the materials by mid-2018. It is enough if you can help in the studio once a week for three hours - at a convenient time for you, including outside working hours.


Sofia, 116A Maria Louisa Blvd.


Imaginary Archive.


The aims of the archive are to keep and popularise the memory of the Bulgarian family by publishing photo books, organising exhibitions and creating an independent digital archive.

Skills needed?

Interest in photography. You do not need to have any technical experience.

Age restrictions?

Everyone over the age of 18.

Will I get a volunteer certificate?


How to participate?

Click the green button "I will do it" button and see how to get in touch with the organiser.

// photo from Imaginary Archive

Registration closed


No stories published.

Once a mission you participate in ends, you can tell us how it went in a couple of sentences ("it was great" won't do).

It's simple: after the end we send you instructions - follow them. This way you earn points and rise in rank , others get inspired and we're all happy.


Something's not clear? Ask, we answer quickly.

  • Miglena Tsingova

    Miglena Tsingova

    Здравейте, представлявам група от 20 души, които биха желали да се включат в инициативата. Интересува ни колко души едновременно могат да се включат в един ден? Предполагаме, че това зависи от наличното оборудване, с помощтта на което се обработват снимките. Благодаря! Поздрави.
    Предполагам, че има ограничение

  • Svetla Stoianova

    Svetla Stoianova (Imaginary Archive)

    Здравей! Благодаря Ви за интереса към нашата кауза.
    В ателието едновременно могат да работят двама души. Можем да разделим групата на екипи по двама и до подготвим график за посещение на архива.
    Ще се радвам на предложения и от ваша страна.

  • Elitsa Nedeva

    Elitsa Nedeva

    има ли възможност за включване през уикенда?

  • Svetla Stoianova

    Svetla Stoianova (Imaginary Archive)

    Здравей, Елица,
    Радваме се , че сте избрали нашата мисия.
    Този уикенд пътуваме и няма да можем да се видим. Весело посрещане на празниците. Ще ти пишем когато се върнем.

  • Svetla Stoianova

    Svetla Stoianova (Imaginary Archive)

    Важна информация за всички, които се интересуват от мисията - през месец януари ателието се помещава на ново място, адресът е: ул. проф. Фритьоф Нансен 37А (Jameson). Работното му време е всеки ден от 10:00 до 19:00 часа. Може да идвате в удобно за вас време, както през седмицата така и през уикенда, по предварително изготвен график.

  • Yoana Yurukova

    Yoana Yurukova

    Възможно ли е човек да се включи в инициативата, ако е под 18 ?

  • Boris Simeonov

    Boris Simeonov

    Здравейте, имате ли все още нужда от доброволци?

Please, register on TimeHeroes.org before you submit a question. If you're already a hero, login .