Lead a horse during a therapy for kids with disabilities
The Horse Therapy Association has had one clear goal for eight years now: helping kids with autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, speech, behavioural, social, emotional, or other difficulties through equine therapy.
In order for this to be possible, the association has established a team of psychologists, kinesiotherapist, horse specialist, as well as 4 trained horses (Zita, Hipo, Holly, and Pamela). They have helped over 100 kids to build a relationship with the horses which improves their mental and emotional state.
How does the magic happen? In short - through treatment sessions, during which the therapist is walking alongside the horse and works with the child who is riding it. But there is something missing in this picture - a volunteer, who leads the horse in a certain direction while the specialist interacts with the kid. Could it be you?
How can I help?
Your task will be the following: to lead the horse in a certain direction and to follow the instructions of the therapist regarding the route and the speed of motion. In the course of 1 day you will participate in approximately 6 to 7 sessions.
On your first meeting with the team, you will go through training so that you can adjust to the animal and feel comfortable in each other’s company. Apart from working with the horse, you will get to know the therain, the association, and the specifics of the local flora and fauna.
In the period between March and November, the association will collaborate with volunteers from Monday to Friday in the following hours:
- 10 am - 1 pm
- 2 pm - 5 pm
You will be required to take a shift at least once a week. The organisers will take your capabilities and the weather into consideration when preparing the weekly timetable.
At “The Friends of Zita” on “Kokalyanski Rid”, 4 km above Kokalyane. You can reach it by:
- Personal vehicle: you have to drive to the main square in the centre of Kokalyane where the bus number 1 changes direction. After that ask the local people to guide you to the former subdivision.
NB! Don’t use your GPS because it may lead you to an unpaved road to Bistritsa, impassable even for jeeps.
- Bus 1: You have to ride with it until its last stop. The organisers can meet you there and help you reach the territory of the organisation, of course only if you have agreed on that with them beforehand.
The Horse Therapy Association.
Why should I participate?
It is the perfect mission for everybody who sees themselves communicating with children, horses and nature. This is an amazing opportunity to be part of a significant and meaningful cause. Every step of the process with the children is a miracle, which makes all of us happy.
Required equipment?
Clothes, suitable for a walk in nature. The weather in this area might get windy so even if it’s hot, it is a good idea to have an outerwear just in case. During the summer hiking boots are sufficient, however, during the spring more stable boots are recommended. Note that sandals aren’t appropriate as there are a lot of thorns in the meadows.
The Horse Therapy Association is located at 1000 m above sea level, hence if you burn easily, remember to put sunscreen on and take a hat with you. Also bring a bottle of water and some food since physical effort requires energy.
Required skills?
Physical stamina, calmness, and patience to work with children and animals.
What happens if the weather is bad?
Strong winds and rainfall are considered bad weather. If this is the case, then the sessions will be cancelled. You can count on the organisers to inform you in time.
Health risks?
Sometimes the horses can be frightened which may result in pushing or overstepping you. Hence, you need to stay focused during the whole session, observe your surroundings, and not make any sudden movements.
Are there any age restrictions?
Yes. You must be 16 years old or more.
How to participate?
Click on the green “I will do it!” button and follow the instructions.
Apply until 1 November 2023
The mission is from 1 March 2023 until 30 November 2023
Registration closed
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Aleksandrina Aleksandrova
Може ли да се включа само за определен брой дни или ангажиментът е за целия период (март - ноември, поне веднъж седмично);
Аз ще имам възможност да се включа за няколко дни през май и юни, може би и в края на април.
Beselina Feldman (Horse Therapy Association)
Здравейте, винаги сте добре дощли, когато и за колкото можете :) Обадете се на посочения телефон за връзка, когато знаете кога ще можете точно и ще се разберем :)
Aleksandrina Aleksandrova
Благодаря много!
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