Create origami to support people with multiple sclerosis (MS)
The word "senbazuru" translates literally from Japanese as "1,000 cranes". Legend has it that anyone who can fold that many figures into origami will get a chance to have their heart's desire come true.
This legend is the basis of the “MS - I Can Do It Myself” Foundation's campaign, which brings two dreams together. The first is for people to start taking care of themselves by spending a little time folding cranes, and thus start a very valuable personal practice - mindfulness training. The second is to raise £50,000 by folding cranes to provide funds for the prevention, the transformation and the treatment of people with MS.
You can help make these 2 dreams come true by joining in the origami folding and sending your cranes on a flying mission in the name of the cause.
How do I make my own crane for the campaign?
Option 1
- If you want to join the “1,000 Cranes” campaign, you can buy a box of blanks (1000 perfectly cut squares) from this website, with 10% of the proceeds going to the Foundation's special fund called “Andrey”.
- When you're done folding, you can send your cranes to “MS - I Can Do It Myself”, who in turn will convert them into a beautiful panel and look for "adopters" of the paper flock - corporate and private donors willing to purchase the handmade artwork.
Option 2
- You can choose not to buy an already made box, but to give the power to the artist in you by creating, drawing or modelling a crane with your hands based on your idea.
- Send the finished work to the team.
Option 3
- Share your idea with friends, neighbours, colleagues and organise a public folding. You can send the created cranes to the foundation team.
Here you can find a video tutorial that explains in detail how to make an origami crane at home.
At the moment the campaign has no deadline.
Keep in mind that folding 1,000 cranes can take about 50 hours, which is 50 days if you spend an hour a day. You can also look at them as 3,000 minutes of time to yourself where you don't think about anything else.
Requirements for the origami?
You can use any paper, but it is important that the size of the square is no bigger than 15x15 cm.
Also, the cranes must be carefully packed so they don't get crushed on the way to the foundation.
NB! The organiser asks that you send at least 100 cranes. Shipments with fewer beauties seriously hinder the organisation.
Skills needed?
The folding of origami is not a hard job as there are thousands of videos of how to do it on the internet. You won’t need anything else apart from a piece of paper.
How will my crane reach the organisation?
You can send your finished work by courier at your expense or by handling them personally to the foundation team.
Click on the green “I’ll do it” button to see the addresses.
Registration closed
Once a mission you participate in ends, you can tell us how it went in a couple of sentences ("it was great" won't do).
It's simple: after the end we send you instructions - follow them. This way you earn points and rise in rank , others get inspired and we're all happy.
Something's not clear? Ask, we answer quickly.
Polin Donakhiu
Здравейте! Прочетох, че кампанията няма краен срок. Това значи ли, че ако пратим жеравите след търга за набиране на средства все още ще са от полза? Благодаря!
Liuba Filipova
Здравейте! Да, кампанията за сгъване на жерави е дългосрочна. Благодарим за подкрепата и интереса! ще очакваме Вашето ято :)
Marieta Petrova
Galya Kirkova
Здравейте, до колкото разбирам според Вариант 2 може да се нарисува жерав на платно, не е нужно да е оригами?
violeta nikolova
Привет, позволено ли да Ви изпратим пак, но да е по-скромна бройка от 1000? ;) Още един въпрос, ако може - орграничението в размера е 15х15, а в минималния размер има ли ограничение, примерно мини жеравчета от 4х4? Благодаря предварително.
Liuba Filipova
Здравейте! Минималният размер, който може да бъде поставен в рамка е 10/10, но няма да откажем и по-малки размери, ще ги сложим между другите.
Благодарим сърдечно!
Nadia Ivanova
Може ли да изпратим по - малко от 1000 броя?
Andrea Angelova
Здравейте! Чудех се, за хората с артистични заложби позволено ли е да се изпрати рисунка на жерав или друг вид творба и ако да в какъв размер!
Благодаря предварително!
Успешен ден! -
Andrea Angelova
И също давате ли сертификати за извършени добро дело?
Valentina Kozhukharova
Здравейте! Може ли да се включим в кампанията със 100-ина жерава? Благодаря за отговора :)
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Mariia Popinska
Направени до тук.
Emanuela Ivanova (timeheroes)
Привет, герои!
Поздравления за всички, които подкрепиха мисията на фондация "МС - Мога Сам" и изпратиха своите жерави в подкрепа на хората с множествена склероза. Информираме ви, че организаторът временно няма да набира хартиени жерави и от този момент мисията е затворена за нови записвания. Ще дадем знак, веднага щом тя отново стане активна.
Поздрави и щастливи дни,
Boriana Jeleva
В офиса работилничките за жерави станаха традиция :)
Diliana Apostolova
Ятото отлетя днес :) Успех с каузата!