Help community centre with repair work
National community centre "Bratya Miladinovi-1917" has been a place of cultural and spiritual growth for over a century. The staff does all they can to revive the magic and glory of the old days, when generations of people have met and gathered on various occasions. The community centre has its own cultural centre, a cinema hall, a ballet theatre, a library and various studios.
The number of children visiting the community centre has doubled and continues to grow. Part of the facilities have been renovated with the help of friends and partners but the budget is insufficient.
Several of the facilities need to be renovated. Areas vary between 10 sq. meters and 80 sq. meters. They need thermal insulation on the walls and ceilings, latex painting, repairing of the electrical installation, repairing and renovation of the parquet floors, as well as various other small and finishing jobs.
Please contact the Organizer by clicking the “I will do it"" button and schedule convenient slots in the Fridays and Saturdays.
Sofia, 375 ""Tsar Boris III"" blvd. National community centre ""Bratya Miladinovi 1917""
Skills needed?
You need to be able to:
- instal thermal insulation, - paint, - put tiles, - instal plumbing and draining systems and repair electrical installations.
How to participate?
Press the green “I will do it" button below to contact the Organizer and fix a schedule.
// photo by litlnemo
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Kameliia Khristova
Искам да се включа в мисията,но живея в Студентски град. Въпроса ми е как мога да стигна до адреса ?
Благодаря предварително :)
Bistra Ivanova
Тук пише всичко - къде се намира, с какво се стига -
Antoaneta Bebenova
Мога да боядисвам. Има ли нужда? През зимата вървят ли ремонтните дейности?
Kremena Krumova
Опитах cе да cе включа, обаче явно миcията е изтекла. Ако вcе пак не е, единcтвено мога да помогна боядиcване и желая да го направя.
Pavel Kunchev (timeheroes)
Мисията не е изтекла. Би трябвало да виждаш този мейл и телефон, когато натиснеш бутона "Ще участвам": [email protected] и 02/8572131. Свържи се с тях.
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