Conduct surveys and collect data for an impact report for the Save Pirin concert
The newly founded Orion Society was one of the co-organizers of the Save Pirin concert which took place in Sofia on 17 May. In the next few months the team will work on the preparation of an impact report – essential part of every activist campaign, which aims to show what a certain event has achieved and to prove that it really has an impact of society.
Volunteers are needed to help collect and process data for the report. Here's how you can be useful:
Conduct short interviews
- You will receive a prepared questionnaire and you will be taught how to conduct the interviews.
- The interviews will be done both online and face-to-face.
- The questions will address public awareness of the changes in the management of the Pirin National Park.
- Interviewees will be targeted via Facebook - selected from particular groups and at random.
- You will be asked to conduct about 5-6 interviews.
Process data from the interviews
- You will be instructed on the methodology of data processing and synthesis.
- It is not necessary that you have conducted interviews, what matters is willingness to learn.
Gather publications on the subject
- The goal is to collect and put together all international and national news articles and analyses on the subject.
- If you wish to and have the skills, you are also welcome to write your own piece.
All data, materials, articles and the final impact report will be published on the Orion Society website and on the Facebook page of Save Pirin.
July and August, not more than 8 hours a week. The goal is to have the final report ready by the end of September at the latest.
Wherever in the world you are. You can also work in the office of the organizers in the center of Sofia.
Orion Society.
Why do it?
Orion Society follows the path of cooperation and unity, loyalty, honor and hard work. They are looking for individuals with similar values. If you join the team, you will be part of a community you can count on.
The team of professionals is ready to share with you experience, guidance and support for your professional and personal development.
Skills needed?
No specific skills or previous experience required. You will be taught all you need for the project.
Necessary equipment?
Personal computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone. If needed, those can be provided by the organizers.
You can count on food and beverages at the organization's office.
Age requirements?
Age 16+ and a declaration of informed consent by parent/guardian, if you are below 18.
Will I get a volunteer certificate?
Yes, upon demand.
How to participate?
Click the green "I will do it" button to see how to get in touch with the organizers.
Join in by 30 July 2018
Registration closed
No stories published.
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Liudmila V'lcheva (Orion Society)
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