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Help the crew of Longboard Camp Sts. Kozma and Damyan 2016

Help the crew of Longboard Camp Sts. Kozma and Damyan 2016


Under the name of "Longboard Camp Sts. Kozma and Damyan" Varna Skate Club is throwing a two-day competition and fun event for riders and fans from around the country.

The road leading from the town of Kuklen to the Sts. Kozma and Damyan Monastery (15 km from Plovdiv) will be the track for downhill races and slide sessions, while the main focus of the event will be raising safety awareness among riders.

Join the crew in the first weekend of August and help make it a great happening:

5 August, Friday, 14:00 - 18:00

  • help prepare and secure the track - sweep the road, position hay bales and security nets;
  • help carry the sound equipment.

It would be best if you can arrive in Kuklen before noon to attend the staff meeting and security briefing.

6-7 August, during the competition

  • help supervise safety and make sure people do not cross the track;
  • rearrange track zones (in case of crashes);
  • assist with keeping scores;
  • remove safety equipment after the event.

Volunteers will not be kept later than 21:00 on 7 August, Sunday.


Varna Skate Club.


The event hopes to inspire new longboard fans and to promote safety by encouraging riders to practice on regulated tracks and to wear protection gear when speeding downhill.


Kuklen - Sts. Kozma and Damyan Monastery.

Necessary equipment?

Tent, sleeping bag and the usual camping accessories.

Volunteers must be at least 15-years-old. If you are under 18, make sure you have a signed declaration of consent by parent/legal guardian.


Transportation from Plovdiv to Kuklen and back will be provided.


For each volunteer there will be a 1.5 l bottle of water, and the crew is hoping to be able to provide some free snacks as well (yet to be confirmed).

Health risks?

You must watch out for speeding longboards, due to the extreme nature of the sport. The organizers have taken all necessary measures to prevent such accidents or injuries, and all volunteers will receive safety instructions on location.

If weather is bad?

The event will take place regardless of the weather conditions. In case of massive storm, the organizers will be responsible for providing shelter and transportation to all volunteers.

How do I take part?

Click the green "I will do it" button and see how to get in touch with the crew.

// photo by Hillclove

Join in by 31 July 2016

The mission is from 5 August 2016 until 7 August 2016

Registration closed


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  • Mishel Mihailova

    Mishel Mihailova

    Попаднах на информация, че търсите доброволци и бих искала да попитам какви са условията, тъй като аз и моя приятелка искаме да доброволстваме, но нямаме навършени 18 и не сме от Пловдив, но ако това е проблем бихме потърсили варианти, стига да имаме шанс да участваме :)

  • Hillclove Co.

    Hillclove Co. (Varna Skate Club)

    както е упоменато в информацията за евента, единственото условие, свързано с възрастта, е кандидатите да са над 15 годишна възраст, в случаи /като вашия/, когато няма навършени 18 години, е необходимо да представите подписана декларация за информирано съгласие от родител/настойник. Относно въпросът с транспорта ни пишете на [email protected] да разясним по-подробно :) Поздрави!

  • Elena Georgieva

    Elena Georgieva

    Искам да попитам ако възрастта на кандидат доброволеца е под 15 години, но детето присъства с родител доброволец, проблем ли е?

  • Hillclove Co.

    Hillclove Co. (Varna Skate Club)

    Здравей Елена,

    Благодарим за интереса!

    Няма проблем детето да присъства на събитието, стига да е придружено от Вас! За да потвърдите участие моля пишете на имейл [email protected] като очакваме следните данни:

    тел. за връзка:
    Сигурни ли сте че ще присъствате:

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