Be a volunteer in the recycling workshop of Valuable Plastics Sofia
Valuable Plastic Sofia is a local branch of Precious Plastic, a global organisation with an important mission on Earth: to collect, reprocess, and give new life to plastic waste.
The team already has its own workshop equipped with the necessary machinery and supplies, but the most crucial resource for its efficient work remains the human one. If you want to learn how to process and recycle plastic with your own hands while helping the organisation grow, this is the place for you.
Here, you will be able to:
- Sort collected plastic by type and colour.
- Clean contaminated plastic.
- Grind plastic with special machines.
- Produce new items.
- Explore new recycling methods and technologies.
You can start by visiting the team's mini workshops that take place every Sunday from 4 pm to 8 pm. There, you will learn craft techniques and how to use the machines to transform discarded plastic into beautiful objects.
As you gain experience, the team will welcome you to engage in their long-term workshops, and you can even join the workplace without necessarily having someone else on-site.
In Sofia, on ul. "20-ti April" №13, Shopping complex "Russian Monument".
Valuable Plastic - Sofia.
Why should I participate?
By sparing a little bit of your free time, you can show yourself and everyone around you that anyone can help tackle the plastic problem.
required skills?
No special skills required - they will teach you everything.
Required equipment?
The team will provide you with full professional protective equipment, including work gloves, safety goggles, and a breathing mask (for specific conditions only).
Health risks?
If the safety equipment is not used and the provided safety instructions (which will be given to you in detail) are not followed, the following risks exist:
- Hand injuries when sorting plastic and handling tools (scissors, pliers, hammer, knife, etc.).
- Serious risk of hand injuries when working with the shredder if the shredding tines are tampered with.
- Inhalation of fumes and smoke when working in an enclosed room with the injector and extruder (machines that heat the plastic) for an extended period.
Are there any age restrictions?
Yes, 18+.
Will I receive a certificate for volunteering?
Yes, upon request.
How to participate?
Click on the green "I'll do it!" button and follow the instructions.
Registration closed
Once a mission you participate in ends, you can tell us how it went in a couple of sentences ("it was great" won't do).
It's simple: after the end we send you instructions - follow them. This way you earn points and rise in rank , others get inspired and we're all happy.
Something's not clear? Ask, we answer quickly.
Georgi Balinov (Precious Plastic Sofia)
изключително сме ви благодарни за проявения интерес да се включите в нашата инициатива за рециклиране на пластмаса :)Следващата стъпка е да се чуем по телефона, за да се запознаем и да разберем повече за вашата мотивация и възможност за участие. Може да ни изпратите вашия телефон и предпочитано време за разговор, или директно да ни се обадите на тел. 0885314878 - Радо.
Очакваме ви!
Екипът на Ценна Пластмаса София -
Philip Nikolov
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When can I call you at this number?
Please, register on TimeHeroes.org before you submit a question. If you're already a hero, login .
Radostin Rusev
Беше ми доста забавно да участвам в Работилницата.