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Paint the Red House Centre for Culture and Debate

Paint the Red House Centre for Culture and Debate


The new project by documentary theater studio VOX POPULI is already under way, in co-production with the Red House Center for Culture and Debate. In March they will be launching a platform for socially engaged art focused on attracting new participants, passionate to join in the development of this exciting cultural niche.

To get a fresh start, the VOX POPULI crew are set to renovate parts of the building with their own hands. The plan is to have the halls on the first floor painted by the end of February. The more people join in the action, the faster the job will get done.

There are no fixed work days and hours. A schedule will be made to accommodate the availability of all interested volunteers.


VOX POPULI documentary theater studio.


Because of the exceptional role of the Red House as a home of alternative art and critical debate.

Plus, all volunteers will receive free tickets for the March performances of VOX POPULI.


Sofia, the Red House Center for Culture and Debate, 15 Lyuben Karavelov St.

Skills needed?

Some experience with a paint brush would be highly appreciated. Otherwise, your good will is all that's needed.

Necessary equipment?

Comfy clothes and shoes you wouldn't mind ruining.

How do I take part?

Click the green "I will do it" button and see how to get in touch with the crew.

// image courtesy of the organizer

Sign up by 24 February 2016

The mission is from 12 February 2016 until 29 February 2016

Registration closed


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  • Designboard Sofia

    Designboard Sofia

    Здравейте, ние сме представители на дизайн агенция, която би искала да се включи в инициативата. До колко души могат да се организират и да помагат в един ден и удобно ли е да се включим в някоя от следващите съботи на месец февруари (20.02. или 27.02.)?


    VOX POPULI (VOX POPULI Documentary Theater Studio)

    Здравейте! Много благодарим за проявения интерес. Ще се радваме да се включите в нашата работа. За жалост все още сме в организационен процес, но когато времевата рамка е ясна, ще се свържем с всички доброволци, за да направим графика. По въпроса за броя хора, които могат да се включат - всички желаещи са добре дошли! Поздрави и до скоро!

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