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What is TimeHeroes?

Collect trash and paint benches along a hiking trail on Vitosha

Collect trash and paint benches along a hiking trail on Vitosha


The Zahir Association recently "adopted" one of the most beautiful hiking trails on Vitosha - the one leading up to the Golden Bridges (Zlatni mostove) area. They are now gathering a team of volunteers to clean up the 2.5 km trail in a day or two in April. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to:

  • pick up trash;
  • rake leaf litter from the sides of the trail to aid water drainage;
  • paint benches and picnic tables.


Weather permitting, the plan is to do the work on 10 April (Sunday) from 10 am to 2 pm. If not - save the dates 23-24 April. If necessary, work may be extended to both weekends.


Zahir Association.


Due to lack of sufficient state funding and maintenance the hiking trail is crumbling. Help bring it back in shape.


Sofia, Vitosha mountain. The starting point is the Golden Bridges meadow.

Necessary equipment?

Bring a pair of work gloves and put on sports shoes and clothing. Garbage bags, shovels, spades and brushes will be provided by the organizer.

If you are under 16 - bring along an adult friend. If you are under 18 - bring a signed declaration of consent by your parent/guardian.


All volunteers are asked to reach the Golden Bridges area by their own means.


Barbecue and party for all.

Make sure you put in your backpack a bottle of water, which you can refill with spring water along the way.

If the weather is bad?

The event will be rescheduled for 23-24 April.

How do I take part?

Click the green "I will do it" button and see how to sign up.

// photo by Veni

Sign up by 13 April 2016

The mission will take place on 17 April 2016

Registration closed


No stories published.

Once a mission you participate in ends, you can tell us how it went in a couple of sentences ("it was great" won't do).

It's simple: after the end we send you instructions - follow them. This way you earn points and rise in rank , others get inspired and we're all happy.


Something's not clear? Ask, we answer quickly.

  • Gergana Chelebieva

    Gergana Chelebieva

    Къде би следвало да бъде споделен даденият линк за записване на повече хора?! :)

  • Margarita  Borisova

    Margarita Borisova (Zahir Association)

    Здравейте Гери, пишете ми на [email protected]

  • Elena Drumeva

    Elena Drumeva

    Привет, Гергана. Този линк е уникален за всеки потребител, няма значение как и къде го споделяте - всеки, който се запише през него, автоматично добавя една точка във вашия актив :)

  • Margarita Dimitrova

    Margarita Dimitrova

    Здравейте. :) В неделя дават че времето ще е лошо... събитието отлага ли се или ще се проведе?

  • Margarita  Borisova

    Margarita Borisova (Zahir Association)

    Здравейте на всички, единствено ако вали дъжд ще се отмени. Ако е само облачно - действаме!

  • Margarita  Borisova

    Margarita Borisova (Zahir Association)

    Здравейте, моля за потвърждение за участието ви в акцията на тел. 0879402609, тъй като е необходимо да предвидим точно инструментите. Сборният пункт е на 10/04 неделя в 10,00 ч. на поляната на Златните мостове. До там се стига с градски транспорт автобус №63. Не забравяйте да си носите бутилка за вода и ръкавици. Който има възможност може да си носи мотика или лопата. Почистването ще продължи до 14,00 часа, след което всички са поканени на барбекю, което ще се провиди в Детски екостационар "Белите брези" - 100 метра в ляво от края на пътеката, която ще се обработва.

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